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Harkin Statement In Support of NLRB Proposed Rule to Modernize and Improve Union Election Process

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement today in support of the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) proposal to reform and modernize the union representation process.

“I applaud the NLRB’s continued efforts to ensure that workers, unions, and employers have access to a fair, transparent, and efficient election process.  The existing union election process is hampered by unnecessary delays and frivolous legal challenges that can keep workers from getting a fair, up-or-down vote.  These commonsense and balanced reforms go a long way toward curing the ills that currently plague the process and prevent workers from having a voice in the workplace.

These reforms are an example of good government, and improving the current election system for the benefit of all parties should not be a controversial or partisan issue.  It is the Board’s responsibility to provide for fair elections within a reasonable period of time.  When the Board is allowed to function and workplace rights are protected, workers are able to get the wages and benefits they deserve and our nation and economy are better off as a result.”
