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Harkin Statement on Ongoing Republican Attacks on the National Labor Relations Board

WASHINGTON--Today, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee,  issued the following statement in response to the House Education and Workforce Committee's passage of a bill to prevent the National Labor Relations Board from conducting its work:

"This bill is just the latest front in the longstanding Republican war on workers’ rights," Harkin said. "It is important to remember that it is the Republicans’ refusal to act responsibly and confirm the President's nominees to the Board that led the President to appropriately exercise the authority granted him under the Constitution and appoint Board Members during a Congressional recess.  Workers, businesses, and our economy all rely on the NLRB--and they all benefit from a fully-functional NLRB.  It is the Supreme Court, not the House of Representatives, that should properly consider the appeal in the Noel Canning case.  Until then, I urge the Board to continue it’s important work."
