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Washington, D.C.—Today, Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Senator Mike Enzi held a hearing of the Senate Help committee with relief organizations working to provide support to Hurricane Katrina victims. Outside witnesses, including the Dr. Diane Roussel, the Superintendent of Jefferson Parish Public Schools in New Orleans, participated to help formulate a bipartisan plan on the immediate and long-term needs resulting from Hurricane Katrina and the following relief efforts. Other witnesses, such as Dr. Jennifer Leaning of Harvard School of Public Health, shared their experiences dealing with the aftermath of other disasters.“We have witnessed a natural disaster turned into a national catastrophe by a botched and inadequate response, despite the bravery and sacrifice of relief workers, rescue personnel, and the hurricane survivors themselves.” Senator Kennedy said. “Our promise to those who have survived the hurricane should not simply be to turn back the clock a month or two -- it should be to fulfill the true promise of the American Dream by committing ourselves to better health, better education and better job opportunities for them, and for all Americans” On Tuesday, as the first step, dozens of representatives from nationwide relief organizations met with Kennedy and Enzi and relayed their experiences and recommendations for meeting the challenge of providing support services to a region severely hit with health care, education, economic and structural devastation. Senator Kennedy has already put forth proposals to ensure that students don’t miss a year of school, survivors receive much needed health care, and families receive economic assistance during this time of great tragedy. Some of these ideas became a part of Democratic Caucus agenda and others will become part of the HELP Committee’s plan.