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Murray: Fourth Delay in Puzder’s Nomination Hearing—Without Any Sign of Required Paperwork—Only Raises Further Questions

New hearing date for Trump’s labor nominee has not been set


New report today from Senators Murray and Warren shows workers under Puzder are overworked, underpaid, and lack basic benefits—LINK


Murray sent a letter last week to Puzder urging him to submit required paperwork


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty  Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on the announcement that a hearing on President Trump’s nominee for the Department of Labor, CEO Andrew Puzder, will be delayed for a fourth time.


“Democrats are already deeply concerned about Mr. Puzder’s record of profiting off of squeezing workers employed by his companies, and this fourth delay in his nomination hearing—without any sign of the required paperwork—only raises further questions. I’ve been very concerned to see Republicans trying to jam nominees with extensive financial entanglements through the committee process, so to be clear: if and when Mr. Puzder does produce paperwork and his hearing is rescheduled, I will expect a date to be set that allows plenty of time to thoroughly review his documents and to receive any needed follow-up information.”


Hearings for Puzder have previously been planned for January 12th, January 17th, February 2nd, and February 7th.  

