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Murray: “House Republicans Have Sunk to New Low” In Partisan Planned Parenthood Investigation

Murray says investigation is “short on facts and long on politics” as House Republicans issue subpoenas to universities, labs


TODAY: Murray will lead Congressional Dems, Women’s Health Advocates in a tweetstorm—11AM to 1PM ET—in response


(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on House Republican subpoenas sent yesterday to universities, labs, and other organizations as part of a political investigation into Planned Parenthood. Today, Senator Murray will lead a tweetstorm with Congressional Democrats and women’s health advocates from 11am to 1pm ET to condemn the newly issued subpoenas, and all continued threats to women’s constitutionally protected reproductive health care rights.


“The partisan effort to undermine Planned Parenthood and interfere with women’s health care is bad enough—but with this new attempt to single out individuals and get in the way of lifesaving research, House Republicans have sunk to a new low. It is only becoming clearer that this investigation is short on facts and long on politics, and it’s time for Republicans to realize that enough is enough.” 


To date, twelve states have concluded independent investigations into false claims against Planned Parenthood and exonerated the organization. An additional eight states declined to investigate citing lack of wrongdoing. As the House Select Committee continues using taxpayer dollars to investigate false claims against Planned Parenthood, advocates and experts have expressed concern about the potentially harmful impact subpoenas could have on critical, ongoing research at universities and labs on illnesses including Parkinson’s disease and the Zika virus.