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Murray: Illegal Idaho Junk Plans Make Clear Republicans and Democrats Need to Come Together; Focus on Lowering Health Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on news that Idaho will allow “junk plans” to be sold that will raise premiums for people enrolled in the exchanges and potentially price people with pre-existing conditions out of the market entirely. Murray is pushing for additional measures to lower health care costs as part of bipartisan negotiations on changes to the Alexander-Murray health care stabilization bill.


“Secretary Azar repeatedly testified before Congress that he would adhere to the law, so I hope he will stop insurance companies from selling illegal plans in Idaho that would threaten coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and drive up families’ health care costs.


“Unfortunately, the Trump Administration’s clear record of sabotaging health care and driving up premiums—including President Trump’s executive order allowing “junk plans”—leaves me doubtful Secretary Azar will do the right thing.


“This makes it even more important that Republicans and Democrats in Congress work together in a bipartisan way on steps that will roll back Republican health care sabotage and help prevent the rising costs that Republicans are causing.”

