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Murray on House Republicans’ Latest Effort to Politicize Women’s Health

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, issued the following statement on the second hearing of the House Republican Select Committee established to undermine Planned Parenthood and interfere with women’s access to health care.


“It is as clear as day that this so-called investigation has exactly one goal: to undermine and politicize women’s access to reproductive health care. There are real, serious health issues facing women and children in our country today—including the Zika virus—and rather than wasting taxpayer dollars trying to score political points with their extreme base, House Republicans should be trying to find ways to address those challenges. That’s what Democrats are focused on, and I hope House Republicans will reconsider their approach and join us.”