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Murray On Latest Ruling In Epstein Case: “I’m Going To Keep Pushing For Answers, Transparency, And Accountability In This Case Because We Need To Make Sure Nothing Like This Happens Again”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement after a court ruled that federal prosecutors in the case against serial child abuser Jeffrey Epstein broke the law by hiding information about his plea deal from survivors of his abuse. 


“It is deeply wrong that survivors of the horrific abuse Jeffrey Epstein committed were denied information about the plea deal ‘of a lifetime’ that now-Secretary Acosta helped negotiate. The ruling confirming prosecutors broke the law to prevent survivors from objecting to their sweetheart deal shows yet again that Secretary Acosta never should have been confirmed in the first place—and that we desperately need independent, thorough, public investigation to understand how this was allowed to happen. I’m going to keep pushing for answers, transparency, and accountability in this case because we need to make sure nothing like this happens again.”


Senator Murray led the fight against Secretary Acosta’s nomination. She, Senator Kaine, and 14 other Senate Democrats have called for an independent, thorough, public investigation of the Epstein case in a letter to the DOJ IG. Murray recently raised concerns about the launch of an investigation into the Epstein case within a political branch of the Department of Justice, reiterating the need for independence and transparency.

