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Murray: “Responsible Republicans Have The Opportunity To Drop This Partisan Effort and Join Democrats At The Table To Improve Health Care”

(Washington, D.C.) –Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee released on the following statement on the Senate failing to pass Republicans’ disastrous Trumpcare bill last night.  


“The message from last night’s disastrous Trumpcare vote could not be any clearer: the vast majority of the Senate agrees with Senator McCain that we should stop letting the ‘bombastic loudmouths’ drive our work, return to regular order, and get back to working together to serve the people we represent. Now that a full Trumpcare replacement bill has been roundly rejected, responsible Republicans have the opportunity to drop this partisan effort and join Democrats at the table to improve health care instead of allowing themselves to be bullied into passing a bill that would send Trumpcare to conference with the House and give the Freedom Caucus a blank check to gut Medicaid and put the insurance companies back in charge of people’s care.”

