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Murray Statement on Graham-Cassidy: “Doubling Down on Harmful Repeal Efforts People Across the Country Have Loudly Rejected”


Republicans and Democrats are finally trying to find common ground…it would be deeply disappointing if another partisan debate over Trumpcare derailed an opportunity [for an agreement]”


(Washington, D.C.) – Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today released the following statement on reports Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy plan to introduce next week yet another reckless, harmful health care repeal bill:


“Republicans and Democrats are finally trying to find common ground around making health care work better for families and lowering their costs,” said Ranking Member Murray. “I hope that more Senate Republicans will join our bipartisan conversations instead of doubling down on harmful repeal efforts people across the country have loudly rejected—because families are facing higher premiums next year as a result of the uncertainty this Administration has caused, and it would be deeply disappointing if another partisan debate over Trumpcare derailed an opportunity to protect them from paying more for care they need.”


Led by Ranking Member Murray and Chairman Lamar Alexander, the Senate HELP Committee has been holding bipartisan hearings on efforts to stabilize the individual insurance market and prevent skyrocketing premiums and loss of coverage for millions of Americans in 2018 and beyond. This week, committee members, as well as nearly 60 Senators off the committee, met with state insurance commissioners and governors to discuss these efforts.

