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Murray Statement on House Passage of Harmful Bill to Undermine Families’ Health Care

Murray on House reconciliation bill: it is time for Republicans to drop the partisan attacks



(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on House passage of harmful reconciliation legislation that would dismantle the Affordable Care Act and undermine health care for women and families across the country.


“After pushing our country right to the brink of a government shutdown over women’s access to health care, I had hoped that Republicans would take a break from pandering to their base—but the reconciliation bill passed in the House today makes clear Republicans are instead doubling down on putting politics and partisanship before governing.


“This legislation, which has no chance of becoming law, would return our country to the days when millions fewer people had health care coverage, take critical health care services away from women across the country by defunding Planned Parenthood, take vital public health resources away from states and communities, and put power back in the hands of insurance companies—not patients and their families.


“As I’ve said before, I believe strongly that Congress should build on the progress made in the Affordable Care Act by continuing to expand coverage, make health care more affordable, and improve quality of care. We should be supporting families’ health by investing in priorities like prevention and access, not undermining them. So I’m ready to get to work, and it is time for Republicans to drop the partisan attacks and join Democrats to move our health care system forward, not backward, for the families and communities we serve.”