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Murray Statement on New Nonpartisan Study Faulting President Trump for Higher Premiums Facing Patients, Families in 2018


Murray: Report “further underscores” need for bipartisan approach to stabilize health care markets


(Washington, D.C.) – Senate HELP Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) issued the following statement on a new report released today by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation finding President Trump’s actions to destabilize health care as the leading cause for insurers seeking higher premium increases for 2018:


“Today’s new report further underscores the need for Democrats and Republicans to come together to fix the problems and uncertainty President Trump has caused in the health care market,” said Ranking Member Murray. “I look forward to our upcoming bipartisan HELP committee hearings, where I hope we can prioritize steps to stabilize the market and others to strengthen health care and lower costs for families.”

