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Murray Statement on Republican Plans to Postpone Action on Alexander-Murray Health Bill Through End of Year

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on Republican plans to postpone action on the bipartisan Alexander-Murray bill through the end of the year.


“Republicans have just severely sabotaged families’ health care to give tax cuts to massive corporations and the wealthiest, and they are fully responsible for the premium increases and coverage loss that will come as a result.


“As I have made clear, the bipartisan bill I originally agreed on with Chairman Alexander will not make up for this latest round of Republican health care sabotage. In fact, there are changes that now need to be made to ensure it meets its intended goals of keeping premiums down and stabilizing markets.


“Republicans cannot undo the damage they’ve caused to the health care system or to patients and families who will be paying more or losing coverage, but they can avoid doing further harm—and I am hoping they are truly serious about working with us to get this done.”

