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Murray Supports Move Toward Rescinding Trump Administration Gag Rule On Reproductive Health Care Providers

Trump Administration rule undermines care for 1.6 million patients who seek care from Title X funded providers each year


Murray: “I’m glad President Biden is moving us closer to finally reversing the Trump Administration’s damaging, ideological gag rule on Title X health care providers.”


(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released the following statement in response to President Biden announcing an executive order asking the Department of Health and Human Services to review the Trump Administration’s rule gagging Title X-funded health care providers from discussing abortion.


“I’m glad President Biden is moving us closer to finally reversing the Trump Administration’s damaging, ideological gag rule on Title X health care providers. I’m going to keep pushing to scrap this harmful rule once and for all and ensure patients can get the care they need from providers they trust.”


Senator Murray has been a staunch opponent of the Trump Administration’s Title X gag rule, and worked tirelessly to shine a spotlight on how it threatens women’s health. Early in 2019, Senator Murray released a memo highlighting some of the negative impacts of the rule and comments from patients, providers, city and county officials, and religious organizations submitted in opposition. In 2018, she also released reports for all 50 states outlining the potential harm of a gag rule.

