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Murray to Leader McConnell: Allow the Senate to “Stand Up for Regular Order & Bipartisanship” By Voting on Alexander-Murray As Quickly As Possible

ICYMI—More Than 200 Health, Business Groups Support Alexander-Murray—LINK


NEW: “Blue Dog” House Democrats Endorse Alexander-Murray—LINK


MORE: Sens. Frist, Daschle Pen Open Letter To Congress On Advancing Alexander-Murray—LINK


Murray: “There Is No Excuse For Getting In The Way Of Lower Health Care Costs & More Certainty For Patients”


(Washington, D.C.) – As Alexander-Murray continues to rack up endorsements across the political spectrum, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today called again on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to allow the bipartisan health care legislation to come up for a vote in the U.S. Senate without further delay. 


“The bipartisan legislation Chairman Alexander and I proposed has strong and growing support from Senate Democrats and Republicans, the endorsements of more than 200 groups representing patients, doctors, governors, and businesses, and a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office score showing it would lower patients’ health care costs this coming year, bring down premiums the following year, and return $3.8 billion to taxpayers.


“And—while there’s nothing in our Constitution that says the Senate needs the executive branch to tweet its support before the Senate takes a vote, President Trump has expressed support for moving this process forward. There is no excuse for getting in the way of lower health care costs and more certainty for patients, so I’m going to continue to urge Majority Leader McConnell to allow the Senate to stand up for regular order and bipartisanship by voting on our legislation as quickly as possible.”

