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Murray: Trump Administration’s Commitment Not to Spike Premiums “For Now” Isn’t Enough

As Trump Administration temporarily backs down from threats to sabotage the health care system by ending cost-sharing, Murray calls for full certainty for patients and families


(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on an announcement from the Trump Administration that it plans to continue cost-sharing subsidies that help families save on health care for an undetermined amount of time.


“I’m glad that for now, President Trump appears to have backed down from his reckless threats to spike premiums and undermine the health care system in order to jam his extreme policies through—but a short pause in this Administration’s saber-rattling isn’t enough to calm the uncertainty they’re causing in our health care system. One way or another, the Administration should close the door on any possibility of cutting off cost-sharing subsidies that help keep health care affordable. Until they do, this is just another round in the same irresponsible political game President Trump has been playing with families’ health care from the start.” 

