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Murray: Trump-Pence Administration’s Latest Attacks on Women’s Health an Attempt to “Steamroll Right Over the Will of the People”

Murray vows to keep fighting Trump-Pence Administration’s backwards attempts to undermine women’s health care amid new harmful steps


Despite clear rebuke from voters, President Trump announced new rules that will undermine women’s health and make it harder for them to get the care they need


Murray: “A day after people across the country rejected the Trump-Pence agenda of undermining women’s health care and rights, President Trump chose to steamroll right over the will of the people and double down on his harmful policies.”


Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee released the following statement in response to President Trump’s latest steps to undermine women’s access to health care, including birth control.


“A day after people across the country rejected the Trump-Pence agenda of undermining women’s health care and rights, President Trump chose to steamroll right over the will of the people and double down on his harmful policies. People want us to listen to women, not ignore them, they want us to make it easier for people to get the care they need, not harder, and they want us to hold this Administration’s feet to the fire, not let it run amok. That’s why I’m going to keep standing with women across the country and fighting against President Trump’s ongoing attacks on women’s health care and rights.”


Yesterday, the Trump Administration issued final rules to make it harder for women to get health care services like birth control, by allowing their employers and schools to decide whether or not they can have access to birth control. The Administration also proposed a new rule that would make it nearly impossible for insurance companies to cover abortion in plans offered through the Affordable Care Act exchanges.

