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On 6th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act, Murray Calls for Continued Progress Toward Health Care that Works for Patients, Families

Murray: We need to keep moving health care forward, not backward, for patients and families


(Washington, D.C.) – Today U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, issued the following statement on the 6th anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act.


“I believe health care should work for patients and families and put their needs first—and in the six years since the historic passage of the Affordable Care Act, we have come a long way toward that goal. Whether you ask one of the nearly 20 million people nationwide who didn’t have health care coverage before this law passed, or a woman who no longer has to pay extra for birth control, or a young person who is able to stay on her parents’ insurance, you’ll hear that this law is helping families live happier, healthier lives. 


“But our work didn’t end when this law passed—far from it. Now is the time to work together to move our health care system forward, by continuing to expand coverage, make health care more affordable, and deliver higher quality care. That’s what families in Washington state and across the country rightly want Congress focused on. I hope that rather than doubling down on partisan attacks, Republicans will finally put the politics aside and join Democrats to continue improving health and wellbeing for the families and communities we serve.”