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Ranking Member Cassidy Criticizes New Biden Rule Redefining Title IX, Hurting Women & Girls

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, criticized the Biden administration’s new Title IX rule that attempts to redefine the purpose of the longstanding law intended to protect women and girls in academic settings into a vehicle to advance progressive policy goals.   

“The Biden administration has completely lost its way on Title IX,” said Dr. Cassidy. “We are still reviewing this rule, but it appears to be an attempt by the Biden administration to pursue an ideological agenda on gender identity and inject federal bureaucrats into the parent-child relationship.” 

The Biden administration is also working on a separate proposed Title IX rule specifically targeting athletics. The proposed version of this rule released last year forces schools to allow biological males to compete in women’s sports or risk losing federal funds.  

Cassidy has launched an investigation to better understand the impact of allowing biological men to compete against female athletes in competition. Recently, Cassidy released a preliminary report detailing powerful testimony from female athletes who experienced anguish and mental stress arising from competing against biological male athletes who have an inherent physical advantage.   


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