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Ranking Member Cassidy on Biden’s Attempt to “Buy Votes” with New Irresponsible Student Loan Payment Pause

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today released a statement in response to President Biden’s announcement that he is placing student loan borrowers, enrolled in or “eligible” for the SAVE income driven repayment plan, into administrative forbearance. This action will allow these borrowers to not make any payment on their outstanding student loan debt. Biden’s last student loan payment pause, which ended last August, cost taxpayers $5 billion a month before Congress forced the administration to end the pause.

This action by the administration was in response to a federal court temporarily blocking a portion of President Biden’s $559 billion income-driven repayment (IDR) scheme.

“With every loss in court on their illegal student loan schemes, this administration is getting more irresponsible and desperate,” said Dr. Cassidy. President Biden had a horrendous debate performance and is down in the polls, so now he is attempting to use tax dollars to buy votes.”
