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Ranking Member Cassidy on President Biden’s “Irresponsible” Budget

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on the provisions included in President Biden's FY 2024 budget that are under committee’s jurisdiction.

“The president showed us where his priorities are, and they don’t align with ordinary Americans,” said Dr. Cassidy. “After reviewing this irresponsible document, it’s hard to call it a budget. America needs real leadership, not more irresponsible tax and spend delusion.”

The president’s budget which totals $6.9 trillion for FY 2024 and institutes $4.7 trillion in new or increased taxes over the next ten years includes:

  • $121 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) nutrition research program with a focus on “diversity and inclusion.”
  • $25 million for NIH research related to climate change.
  • $55 million for Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and $396 million for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for building and facilities cost despite work-from-home policies.
  • $10.8 billion increase in funding for the Department of Education while, despite growing waiting lists, freezing federal support for current or future charter schools.
  • $178 million (27% increase from FY 2023) to the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights to support enforcement of the administration’s upcoming rules on Title IX to promote biological males competing in female sports.
  • $2.7 billion (a $620 million increase from FY 2023) for the Federal Student Aid Administration, so the Biden administration can continue to implement their reckless student loan schemes.
  • $368 million (doubled from FY 2023) to move health clinics, including Planned Parenthood, into schools without parental consent.
  • $100 million for “School Funding Equity Commissions” to manipulate states into reallocating state funds based on “equity” as defined by Biden’s Department of Education.
  • $20 million to establish a Civilian Climate Corps to fund “paid work experiences” and support Biden’s war on American energy.
  • $20 million “Power+” initiative, doubling down on the administration’s assault on American energy workers. This virtue-signaling program is intended to assist displaced workers who lost their jobs due to the president’s energy policies.  


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