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Ranking Member Cassidy Opposes Democrats’ Latest Political Show Vote, Reaffirms Support for IVF

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released a statement following his vote to oppose Democrats’ political show vote on in-vitro fertilization (IVF), their latest attempt to misinform and scare voters ahead of the November election. 

“The tragic situation in Alabama has been used to fearmonger and scare women that access to IVF is in jeopardy. That someone’s hopes of having a future family are threatened,” said Dr. Cassidy. “That is not true. No state prohibits a woman from growing her family through IVF. Democrats know this.” 

“If access to IVF is really a problem, and if this legislation is actually needed, then Majority Leader Schumer would have had this bill go through the committee process. Unfortunately, Democrats do not care about working with Republicans to protect IVF access. They wish to manufacture an issue they can campaign on,” continued Dr. Cassidy. “Pushing a bill that is haphazardly drafted and destined to fail does a disservice to all women who may pursue IVF treatments.” 

This week, Cassidy joined the entire Senate Republican Conference in support of access to IVF. Cassidy also delivered a floor speech ahead of the vote on the Democrats’ legislation.  


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