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Ranking Member Murray Statement on HELP Hearings Related to Health Care

Murray: “Once this Trumpcare bill is behind us…I look forward to discussing a hearing schedule with Chairman Alexander”


(Washington, D.C.) – Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today released the following statement calling on Senate Republicans to drop Trumpcare once and for all so the Senate may move forward with a public, bipartisan hearing process:


“Democrats have called for months for an open, bipartisan discussion about ways to make health care more affordable, get more people covered, and improve quality of care. I welcome the opportunity to take steps toward that goal once this Trumpcare bill is behind us by listening to key stakeholders—most importantly the patients and families we serve who are facing higher premiums and fewer choices next year as a result of Republican efforts to sabotage the health care system. I look forward to discussing a hearing schedule with Chairman Alexander and am hopeful that Republicans will be willing to do this in a bipartisan way instead of continuing down the partisan path they have been pursuing.”

