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BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS- Senator Edward M. Kennedy today outlined the importance of health information technology at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association’s health care policy conference entitled, “Saving Lives: Safeguarding Care.” Health IT can not only save an estimated $140 billion in excess cost to our health care system, but can dramatically improve the quality of care for patients through electronic medical records. Senator Kennedy said, “We don’t just have a quality gap in this country, we have a quality chasm. Doctors repeat tests that have already been performed. Residents take histories that have already been taken. Patients show up for doctor’s appointments that are often a waste of time, because tests have already been performed but the results haven’t been delivered. IT systems can help close this gap by enhancing the coordination of care, providing guidance on best methods of care, and reminding busy physicians when it's time to schedule preventive screenings. I’m proud that the Commonwealth is at the forefront of Health IT through the creation of the Massachusetts e-Health Collaborative, and I am committed to continue to find the resources to help lead Massachusetts into a new era of modern medicine.” Today, one out of every four patients arrives at the doctor’s office and learns that needed test results or patient records are not available. Senator Kennedy believes that promoting health technology will eliminate unnecessary burdens for patients and doctors alike. Health IT can improve the quality of healthcare through improvements in preventive care, reduction of errors and a more efficient use of time and resources. For example, a computerized system can eliminate the misinterpretation of handwriting on prescriptions- or with more accessible and centralized patient information, doctors will be less likely to unknowingly order a duplicate procedure. In the U.S. Senate, Senator Kennedy has introduced bipartisan legislation, the Wired for Heath Care Quality Act of 2005, to set national standards for improved care, quality and affordability in the health care system. Senator Kennedy, along with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, has supported the efforts of the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC), which is beginning to create interconnected networks of electronic health records across Massachusetts to reduce burdensome regulation and improve the quality of health care for its citizens. ###