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Senator Murray: Labor Nominee Marty Walsh Will “Work Tirelessly to Improve Workers’ Lives”

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), incoming chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released the following statement after meeting by phone with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, President Biden’s nominee to serve as Secretary of Labor:


“After talking with Mayor Walsh today, I’m confident that he’s the right pick for Secretary of Labor and will be ready to act quickly to keep workers safe during this pandemic—and then work to defend and expand workers’ rights in order to build back a fair and inclusive economy that works for everyone.


“From his time as a local labor leader—where he worked to defend the rights of his fellow construction workers—to his current role, Mayor Walsh has always worked tirelessly to improve workers’ lives—and I’m confident he’ll do the same as Secretary of Labor.


“Mayor Walsh understands that especially right now, too many workers still lack crucial protections and rights and struggle to make ends meet—especially women, workers of color, workers with disabilities and more. And as workers on the frontlines continue bearing the brunt of this pandemic, Mayor Walsh knows that diligently protecting and supporting them is critical to our ability to recover from this pandemic and economic crisis—specifically, ensuring all workers have a fair and just workplace, a livable wage, access to quality, affordable child care, a secure retirement, safe working conditions, the right to join together and collectively bargain, and are treated with dignity and respect.


“I look forward to working with him on these important policies for workers, and I plan to move quickly as incoming chair of the Senate HELP Committee to give Mayor Walsh a swift and fair consideration.”

