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Senator Murray on Meeting with Labor Secretary Nominee Andrew Puzder

Senator Murray: “Working families need strong leadership at the Department of Labor and someone who is going to be on their side fighting for them—and not just for those who are already at the top”


(Washington, D.C.) — Today, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released the following statement after meeting with President-elect Trump’s nominee for Secretary of the Department of Labor, Andrew Puzder.


“Working families need strong leadership at the Department of Labor and someone who is going to be on their side fighting for them—and not just for those who are already at the top—and so I met today with Andrew Puzder to make sure their voices and priorities are heard loud and clear as we head into the hearing process on his nomination.


“As I continue to closely examine his record, it’s evident that Mr. Puzder has benefited from an economy rigged against workers, and that his policies and philosophy would make the challenges working families face today even worse—since he’s opposed raising the minimum wage, guaranteeing more workers overtime pay, increasing access to paid sick leave, and protecting workers’ civil rights.


“So I made very clear to Mr. Puzder that working families must have all of the facts about his positions, previous statements, and history as CEO of CKE Restaurants—and that he is going to have to explain in detail his vision to protect and to expand opportunities for workers.


“I expect to have all requested information completed and received with time to fully review before a vote on Mr. Puzder’s nomination.”

