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Senator Murray Slams Trump Administration for Advancing Republican Plan to Gut Medicaid

Trump Administration announces new guidelines for states seeking to convert Medicaid to block grants


States allowed to shift to block grant approach would have their federal Medicaid funding capped even during recessions and public health emergencies


Murray: “President Trump continues to make clear his number one priority when it comes to families’ health care is making it more expensive and harder to get.”


Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s announcement of guidelines for states seeking to convert Medicaid to block grants—a change that would fundamentally alter the program in states granted a waiver by capping how much they receive in federal funding even during recessions and public health emergencies. 


“President Trump continues to make clear his number one priority when it comes to families’ health care is making it more expensive and harder to get. Even after people across the country spoke out and pressed Congress to reject President Trump’s plan to gut Medicaid with his Trumpcare bill, he’s still charging forward with harmful policies that will hurt the many families who rely on Medicaid. While Republicans are championing plans that threaten peoples’ health care and protections, which will result in fewer doctors and lost benefits, Democrats are going to continue championing patients and fighting to make sure everyone can get quality, affordable health care.”

