Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today applauded theHouse of Representatives for passing legislation to reauthorize the Higher Education Act,which includes key higher education reforms he said are critical to expand access tocollege, protect students from bad actors in the student loan industry, and provide clearinformation students need to understand and manage their debts.
“I am very pleased that the House of Representatives has acted on this criticallegislation,” Enzi said. “I’m hopeful that House and Senate leaders can name confereessoon, so that we can reconcile the differences between the House and Senate bills andsend a final Higher Education Act reauthorization bill to the President.”
The House approved the “College Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007,”H.R. 4137, by a 354-58 vote. The Senate approved similar legislation, S. 1642, in Julyby a 95-0 vote.
“After over three years of negotiations, Republicans and Democrats have reachedagreement on a number of key measures to help ensure that American students have theknowledge and skills to be successful in the 21st century economy,” Enzi said. “Ninetypercent of new jobs being created will require some postsecondary education, and thisbill is critical to ensure that our workers will have the qualifications they need to competein the global economy.”
“The Senate-passed bill will restore students’ trust in student loan programs byholding lenders and schools to a code of conduct. It will also ensure that students andparents have the information they need about the costs of college and the financial impactof their loans so they can make sound decisions about their futures.”
Enzi said that key provisions of S. 1642, the “Higher Education Amendments of2007,” include:
• Expanding SMART grants, which provide opportunities for students to studymath, science, engineering, technology and critical foreign languages;• Expanding other grant assistance opportunities, including year-round federal PellGrants for non-traditional students;• Establishing a protocol to provide consumer friendly, easy to access andunderstand, information about college tuition and fees;• Calling for the Department of Education and IRS to simplify the federalapplication for student aid (FAFSA) process to make it easier for students andparents to apply for the aid that they need;• Protecting students from bad actors in the student loan industry by holdingschools and lenders to a Code of Conduct;• Increasing support for working adults by increasing the income protectionallowance to make sure they get the assistance they need;• Promoting financial literacy and better borrower information; and,• Encouraging better alignment of teacher preparation with state standards, morerigorous curriculum and assessments, and use of technology in the classroom.