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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Ranking Member ofthe Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, today applaudedPresident Bush for issuing an Executive Order to strengthen and coordinate adulteducation programs, and said he will continue working to advance life-long learningopportunities for all Americans. “The decisions we make about education and workforce development will have adramatic impact on the economy and our society for generations to come,” Enzi said.“We need to build, strengthen and maintain our educational pipeline, beginning inelementary school. We must also strengthen programs that encourage and enable citizensof all ages to enroll in college and obtain or improve their knowledge and skills.” President Bush today issued an Executive Order to bring together Federalagencies and programs to strengthen and coordinate adult education programs. Enzi haslong been an advocate of promoting life-long opportunities for all Americans, and saidthe President’s action is a good step. “I look forward to working with the President and with my colleagues on bothsides of the aisle to renew several critical pieces of legislation to ensure that everyAmerican has access to a lifetime of learning, training, and re-training, and can developthe knowledge and skills needed to fill the high skills, high-paying jobs of the 21stcentury,” Enzi said. “We also must keep in mind that many of our Baby Boomers want to put theirskills and experience to work well past the age of traditional retirement. We must dowhat we can to retain and grow their invaluable institutional knowledge, and apply theirexpertise to emerging fields.” Enzi said he is pushing Democrat leaders in the House of Representatives to jointhe Senate in passing comprehensive reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. TheSenate passed the Higher Education Amendments of 2007, S. 1642, by a 95-0 vote. Thatbill contains provisions aimed at advancing new education opportunities for workingadults. Enzi is also working to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act, to providelearning and training opportunities to prepare workers for 21st century jobs, and isworking with the Department of Education to ensure that people in the workforce canaccess critical information about colleges and universities. “A skilled workforce is the key to remaining competitive in a global market;education is the key to attaining skills and knowledge. In this technology-driven, globaleconomy, school is never out for America's students, workers, and Baby Boomers.President Bush clearly understands this challenge and is committed to working withCongress to prepare our workforce,” Enzi said. ####