Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-WY, Ranking Member of theSenate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP Committee), todayvoiced support for a proposal submitted by the President that he said would, “take thefirst steps toward broad Medicare reform and help place that critical program on asustainable path to ensure that seniors can receive the medical care and prescription drugsthey need for generations to come.”
“Medicare is on an unsustainable path and will not be able to continue meetingthe needs of America’s patients and adequately reimbursing the health care providerswho serve Medicare clients without real, comprehensive reform,” Enzi said. “Thisproposal is a critical first step toward broad Medicare reform to modernize and stabilizeMedicare for generations to come.”
Enzi, one the Senate’s most outspoken proponents of meaningful budget reform,said the package that the President sent Congress includes provisions to improve thequality of care and reduce costs by expanding the use of health information technology,bringing greater transparency to allow patients to compare costs of services, providingincentives for high-quality, low cost care, and introducing medical liability reform. Asrequired under the law, the Administration sent the proposal to Congress today afterdetermining that proposed Medicare spending for 2009 will require borrowing trillions ofdollars from the nation’s general treasury.
“We need to keep a tight focus on increasing customer service, providing broadcoverage flexibility, reducing paperwork and ensuring high quality care in the Medicareprogram,” Enzi said. “This proposal maintains that focus and moves us in the rightdirection toward Medicare reform.”
The proposal reduces Medicare spending by linking Medicare part D premiums toincome so that low income and middle income taxpayers do not continue to subsidizehigher-income older persons.
“Decreasing the deficit by controlling spending is essential,” he added. “I applaudthe President’s efforts to balance the budget and think the Senate can go even farther tostraighten out the financial matters of this country.”