Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-WY, Ranking Member of theSenate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP Committee), today saidhe is pleased the Senate has voted to move toward final passage of the “Indian HealthCare Improvement Act,” S. 1200, a bill he said will “move the country forward in theright direction to improve Indian health care programs.”
“For too long, we have neglected our duty to review the Indian health careprogram and ensure that it continues to deliver high quality health care efficiently,” Enzisaid. “This bill is a critical step to renew and reinvigorate Indian health care services.”“Indians face significant health care challenges, including higher rates of infantmortality, suicide, and diseases like diabetes, and a shortage of mental healthprofessionals,” Enzi said. “This bill will begin to improve health care quality by ensuringthat Indians have access to the health care services they need.”
The Senate bill makes improvements to the Indian Health Care Improvement Act,which has not been updated in 15 years. The original Act expired in 2000 and has beenrenewed at inadequate funding levels every year since then.
Enzi said the bill improves health care services for American Indians, authorizesmental and behavioral health care, and promotes disease prevention and substance abuseaddiction treatment as well as improved physical health for American Indians. The billwould also allow eligible American Indians to fully participate in Medicare andMedicaid.
“Times have changed and so has health care. This bill brings Native Americanhealth care, services, and access up to speed with the rest of the nation,” said Enzi, whovoted in favor of the measure to move forward on the legislation.
Enzi said he is pleased that much of the bill being considered by the Senateincludes provisions from the bipartisan bill he introduced in the last Congress withSenator John McCain (R-AZ), Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Senator LisaMurkowski (R-AK).
“I’m glad that we are able to move forward on this legislation,” Enzi said. “I lookforward to working with others to get this bill signed into law.”